Now I haven’t always been a very positive person. In fact it can be very difficult to have a positive outlook on life when you have a number of health problems related to being severely overweight. I was in dire need of some weight loss tips.
This was me in November 2003:
It was beyond anything I ever imagined that I would be featured in the June 2017 edition of the Weight Watchers UK Magazine:

So how did it happen? Thirteen years ago some ladies at work invited me to come along to a lunchtime Weight Watchers meeting. I hadn’t always been overweight, in fact as a child growing up I was always been quite active and involved in sports. I was feeling particularly unhappy about the size I had become, so I decided to go along. The ladies always seemed to have a good time at the meeting, learned lots of weight loss tips. So my thoughts were……..’I have nothing to lose but the weight’.
After the initial horror of seeing 19 stones, 2lbs appear on the scales when I weighed in, the meeting was fun. I became a member and dived wholeheartedly into plan. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in my lifetime. I started to think about the food I was eating, plan my meals and tried to make better choices. As recommended I wrote everything down on a food tracker, along with the amount of water I drank. The following week I went to the meeting hoping to have lost a pound or two. I stepped on the scales with eyes closed in great anticipation and was thrilled to hear my leader say I’d lost 5 pounds!
This was the spring board I needed to set me on my way to change my life.
Check out the next chapter to read more about how I got started.