So there I was in the midst of a ‘baby break’. Sometimes when you set out to do something, life just gets in the way. I didn’t rush back to Weight Watchers after having the baby, I believe it is important to make the most of the different stages of life and I was thoroughly enjoying a new social life with baby club friends.
It was in the back of my mind that I was only half way to my goal but I was getting to grips with caring for a young child again. The trepidation of getting back on the scales and facing the weight gain wasn’t something I had the courage to face at that point. I found excuses for myself, my weight gain would be entirely because of ‘baby weight’, it would have nothing to do with the bad eating habits I had slipped back into.
I was forced to buy larger sized clothes because my pre-maternity clothes still didn’t fit and I even wore maternity clothes long after the baby arrived. Two years after last attending I took the plunge and returned to Weight Watchers. I joined a meeting in my local area, one of my new baby club friends was already attending so I instantly had a WW buddy. I tipped the scales at 16 stones 4 pounds, 16 pounds heavier than I was the last time I weighed in before the baby. In my mind I was still a Weight Watcher, the new member hope and excitement soon gripped me. Thankfully I didn’t have to take the baby along with me, so the weekly meeting became a little ‘me’ time, spent with adults. A time that was just for me about me. Some weeks it was the only time I left the house alone.

My WW buddy also told me about an aerobics exercise class she attended, which sounded like a great way to aid my weightloss. Until then in my life I’d only really attempted home exercise, so I had to pluck up the courage to venture into a group situation. It took a couple of weeks for me to overcome my fears that I wouldn’t be able to do the exercises, or keep up with the pace, or I’d look ridiculous in gym wear and most of all, I was just too big!
Once I’d put all that to the back of my mind, I went along to the class and hid away in the back of the crowd. It was so challenging, I could hardly complete any of the exercises but somehow I really enjoyed it. What I didn’t enjoy was to complete agony and muscle pain I had for the next few days, I could barely walk. Gradually I built up my ability and the weekly class became a must. I looked forward to it and didn’t want to miss it. I’ve always been a bit competitive, so I pushed myself to do bit better each week and felt determined to keep up with the pace.
As time went on I saw the benefits in my fitness and energy levels as well as on the scales. Twelve months after returning to Weight Watchers I had lost another 30 pounds, bringing my total weightloss since originally starting to 70 pounds. I was creeping along slowly but surely, I was heading towards the home straight to my goal. Having the break probably helped to strengthen my resolve to make it to my goal weight. Getting there would prove to be the biggest challenge of all.
Cheryl, you are getting some good adds in amongst your stories. How fabulous…….watch out for an invite to ‘this morning’ or ‘good morning Britain’ ha ha!
Thank you Leigh, I’ll keep an eye out for it! 😀